Let's lead with our FO, shall we?

The husband really needs to understand that the entire knitted object needs to appear in the picture, not just my boobs! I'll take a better picture for the FO gallery tonight.
Ribby Cardi by
Bonne Marie.
Yarn: Knitpicks Wool of the Andes in Chocolate and Mulled Wine. I used 4 balls of chocolate for the sleeves and neckline (I didn't touch that extra one I ordered and I ended up with about 1 yard left!), and (I think) 6 balls of Mulled Wine (I had one left over).
Needles: Susan Bates Circs, sz 6 and 7. I actually switched to my clover straight sz 7's at one point because I wanted a change in the knitting and it almost killed me to knit on straights!
Dates: Started first week of January, finished (with zipper) Tuesday March 28.
Mods: I lenghthen the body and sleeves by a few inches, and I'm really glad I did as the body is still almost too short for my liking. But I'm very happy with where it falls now.
Thoughts: Love it. Want to wear it all the time. Want to go around and tell strangers that I made my sweater. Very pleased with the color combination.
The zipper installation didn't go as well as I'd liked, and I need to get a zipper foot for my sewing machine, as it's not sewn down as close to the teeth as I would like, but it is wearable! Also, either my knitting is off somehow, or I pulled too much during the zipper installation, as one front seems longer than the other. I'm trying not to stress over this, and figure that I'll re-install the zipper when I get a zipper foot.
The wool of the andes is a bit scratchy, but after a few mintues I don't notice it at all.
I'm making The Husband a green one (all over rib) for his birthday. Shhhh, don't tell!
The job interviews went OK yesterday, thanks for all your good wishes. It's funny how some places come to these things really looking to get some serious candidates, and others seem to be there just to take up space. I had three really good interviews, with three places I'd love to be, so now I just wait until they know what positions they'll have available. I hate waiting.
And, because I've been very remiss in discussing any KAL's lately, a brief update:
Ribby Cardi KAL: Done!
Sock-a-month: Not going to make it - can't knit half a sock in two days.
200Socks: I've knit 7 (individual) socks this year!
Count Your Socks: I'm at 7 pairs of socks total.
Evelyn A. Clark: I'm still working on the Leaf Lace Shawl, everyone else has moved on to Flower Basket. I'll catch up (maybe).
Branching Out: Someday
Handknit Holidays: Next up are Log Cabin Socks, but I'm thinking those will wait a few months as it's almost too hot to wear socks at all.
Scarf Style: Really want to do Ene's Scarf - maybe after Flower Basket
Knit the Classics: Already read Life of Pi, no time for a project this month.
Sockapaloooza: No progress since my last picture. This will be top priority starting Saturday.
40 Days for Others: Nothing. I'm horrible.
Sew? I Knit!: Skirt awaiting remedy. Have some ideas for next month.
And finally today, some sheepy pictures!

These are a few sheep that have recently come to live with me - the cute wooden one I picked up at JoAnn's in the easter stuff, and the card came from the Eric Carle Museum. The stamp is just for fun!

And yesterday sweet Jen got me a sheepy cookie! It was good!
Stayed tuned tomorrow for the Mystery of the Pooling Socks!