Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Favorite FO of 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
More gifts
A few more gifts for your viewing pleasure.
Pattern: Generic - 20 stitches (i think)
Yarn: Plymouth Baby Alpaca Grande - 1 skein
Needles: Sz 15 Clover bamboo
Dates: ?
Mods: n/a
Thoughts: soft and squishy. A gift for Hubby's best friend's wife - her first knitted gift!
Pattern: Teddy Bear Hood from Kid's Knits for Heads Hands and Toes by Debbie Bliss
Yarn: Sirdar Snuggly DK - almost 1 skein
Needles: Sz 4 and 6
Dates: December
Mods: no inner lining for ears.
Thoughts: cute!
Pattern: Football Hat from Itty Bitty Hats by Susan B. Anderson
Yarn: Berroco Comfort and Sirdar Snuggly (football)
Needles: Sz 7 Clover bamboo
Dates: December
Mods: color change
Thoughts: Looks super cute on - will have to make this again.
These two hats were made for our neighbor's boys and she told me today that the football hat has gotten several compliments - yay!
I also made three pairs of slippers (from Knit 2 together), but I don't have pictures of them - hopefully soon!
I finished seaming hubby's sweater last night - it needs a good blocking and a zipper. I'm off to seam Salina for me - the knitting has been finished since August - I had no motivation to seam it while I was still pregnant and no time after The Bug was born. It is sweater weather now, so I want to finish it!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Christmas Knits
Well, I didn't make it, of course. I did wrap up hubby's sweater (I had all the pieces done) and told him that some assembly was required for it. I'm almost done seaming it now - hopefully will finish tonight. I also wrapped his two single socks that were finished and I'm hoping to finish the second socks this week.
I did finish The Bug's outfit - weeks before Christmas, thankfully.
Yarn: Lion Brand Wool
Needles: Sz 8 Clover Bamboo
Dates: ?
Mods: Added buttonhole on straps, eliminated bias tape at bottom and fake pockets
Thoughts: Very cute!
Yarn: Filtes King Colors Baby 2 skeins
Needles: 3 mm Addi Turbos
Dates: ?
Mods: none
Thoughts: Looks teeny, but fit her fine. Very soft yarn, quick and easy knit
Yarn: Sirdar Snuggly - .25 skeins
Needles: US 4 Susan Bates
Mods: no nostrils
Thoughts: Cute! Though I forgot to put them on her Christmas day. Gah.
Yarn: Berroco Comfort DK (white and orange), Lion Brand Microspun (black and red)
Needles: US 7 Clover Bamboo
Dates: ?
Mods: Duplicate stitched on the eyes
Thoughts: Cute! Little tight around the noggin due to the hem.
There are more gift knits to share coming up soon!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
I'm not going to make it
I knew it was a little crazy to think I could get everything done. But I've done it in the past. I knew I had a baby - that's why I had a short list this year. But still, not going to happen. I have finished all of the gifts for anyone who is not my husband though, so that has to count for something. And he doesn't mind getting things on the 27th, or the 27th of December 2009. I might squeeze out the sweater and maybe the 1/2 sock left of one of the pairs. And one of the other socks is done, so I'll wrap it up and finish the pair this weekend. Again, my xmas sweater is not finished (the same one I had hoped to finish for last year). Perhaps it will be a priority in January. And it looks like The Bug will not have a stocking this year, much to my dismay. Ah well, she's too little to know, and I have nothing for her stocking anyway.
A sleeve cap, seaming, a zipper (agh!) and half a sock. I can do it. Right?
Friday, December 12, 2008
Winner! And Christmas Knitting!
Congrats to cthulhulovesme - winner of the sock contest. Email me your snail mail address and I'll get your goodies in the mail!
I still have finished knits to blog about, but I'm taking a break to talk about my Christmas knitting, 'cause let's face it, if I don't do it now, it'll be January that I'm showing you this stuff. Actually, I can't even show it to you today, since I haven't taken any pictures yet.....anyway...
I've got several things finished that I can't show you (nosy blog readers, ya know!), but there are a few we can talk about.
Our lovely new neighbors moved down from Chicago last winter, and have two boys - I'm knitting the football hat from Itty Bitty Hats and the Teddy Bear Hood from Kid's Knits for Heads Hands and Toes - they'll both have bears hats! :)
And I've got this nutzo idea that I can finish two pairs of socks and a sweater for hubby in less than two weeks. One pair of socks has 1 1/2 socks complete and one only has 1/2 sock done. The sweater has the back, two fronts and 1/2 a sleeve done - I think it's doable!
And then there's my Bristow sweater that I would love to have done to wear on Christmas - we'll see.....
And they're not gifts, but I'm finishing up the Snowman hat from Itty Bitty hats for The Bug (bambino) and some Reindeer booties. I have her Christmas dress and sweater done, I'll show those next time.
And I've matched socks to patterns, and I'll talk more about them soon (hopefully). Off to knit!
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Project Ideas and a contest!
I've got more FOs to post, but tonight I need your thoughts. I really, really, really want to do the whole knit a sweater a month for a year, but that's probably just a smidge unrealistic since I have a baby who might demand some attention. I may however, still try, 'cause I'm nothing if not a follower and I have the yarn for at least 40 sweaters in my stash. Yikes.
But, to "console" myself, I'm going to take on two other projects. For the first project I'll be pulling single balls (or two) of yarn out of the stash, matching it with projects, and bagging up 12 projects, (one for each month) to open the first of the month and knit up. I have the yarns and projects chosen for this venture.
The second nutzo project will be 12 months of socks. I'm narrowing down my list of sock yarn, but I have too many projects in my ravelry queue to choose. So I need your input. The yarns I'm considering are listed below. Choose one yarn and pick a sock pattern to go with it. Leave your suggestions in the comments and I'll randomly choose a winner. And no plain old socks - I knit plenty of those. I want patterns, people! Contest closes at midnight CST Friday night. Thanks for your help!
Socks that Rock Lightweight - varigated
Chewy Spaghetti - varigated
Cider Moon Icicle - varigated
Colinette Jitterbug - solid
Fleece Artist - varigated
Hazel Knits - solid
Knitterly Things Vesper - striping
Koigu - varigated
Madelinetosh - solid
Malabrigo sock - solid
ShibuiKnits - solid
Wollmeise - varigated
Yartini - varigated/striping
Zen Yarn Garden - varigated
Monday, December 01, 2008
Lots 'o knits
I'm sick of feeling like I have 10 tons of unblogged FOs to show you, and I miss blogging in "real time" so I'm going to play super catch up. Hold on....
Pattern: Simple Baby Cap #2 from Itty Bitty Hats
Yarn: Sublime Organic Cotton
Needles US 7
Mods: Made it shorter (5") before crown decreases as all of bambino's hats are too tall and fall down in her eyes, which makes her scream.
Yarn: Rowan Handknit Cotton
Needles US 7
Mods: none
Thoughts: This is the largest size (for a shop sample) and I think the petals would look better if they were bigger.
Yarn: Lamb's Pride (white), Paton's Classic Merino (black)
Needles: US 10.5
Mods: none
Thoughts: This is super cute, and knit up super fast, even with the intarsia and the seaming. I knit it in two nights watching the Olympics back in August. Love it.
Yarn: Sirdar Snuggly DK (brown), Berroco Comfort DK (white)
Needles: US 7
Mods: Knit with dk weight to size it down for bambino
Thoughts: Very Cute! Everyone loved it, so it was worth the knitting for something she barely wore.
Yarn: Mirasol Yarns Samp'a 3.1 skeins
Needles: US 5
Mods: none
Thoughts: Love this. This is the knit bambino is wearing most these days. Goes with everything, fits great, love the sheepy ribbon. Apologies for the tiny picture again. Will be knitting this again for future babies. Garter stitch, yum.....
There are a few more FOs to catch up on, and then actual knitting content, that I'm knitting right now! Shocking!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Turkey Lurkey Dee
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Stopping by the Woods

My last pattern for the Yarns Ewenique Sock Club, Ewenique Feet, comes out today.
Pattern: Stopping by the Woods
Yarn: Mountain Colors Bearfoot
Needles: 2.75mm
Dates: Last winter-November 22, 2008
The design features a row of candy canes at the top, then snow falling on pine trees. The foot is plain.
The sock also features a picot edge and an eye of partridge heel flap.
I really like this pattern, though the red yarn was a PITA to photograph. It will be available here and in my Ravelry store next year.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Second Sock Syndrome Slayed (for now)
Apologies first of all, for the tiny pictures. I tried to steal them from my flickr account, and they turned out tiny. I buckled down before bambino arrived and finished up two long-suffering pairs of socks.

Yarn: Sweet Georgia in Life Aquatic (I hoarded this yarn for a long time)
Needles: 2.75mm Chiagoo DPNs
Dates: September 2007 (cast on itis land)-August 2008. But each sock was knit super fast when I worked on them
Mods: Regular ribbing at the top, slip stitch heel
Thoughts: Love them. Can't wait to wear them! The yarn is fab - very soft and so pretty. The pattern is great - just enough to keep you interested without having to consult the chart every row. Love it!
Pattern: Child's First Sock by Nancy Bush from Knitting Vintage Socks

Yarn: Rio de la Plata Merino Sock
Needles: 2.25mm Chiagoo DPNs
Dates: June 2007-August 2008
Mods: I added a repeat to make them larger around, and eliminated the pattern on the foot due to my inability to figure out how to make it work with that extra pattern repeat.
Thoughts: Love them too! The yarn is so nice - unbelievably soft and so nice to knit with. The pattern again here was great - just enough to keep my interest without being too complicated.
Would you believe that I have 3 socks sitting in the heel flap and 2 nearly there? I've got to get those heels turned and end the year finishing up some socks! In my baby knitting frenzy this summer I forgot how nice plain vanilla socks are - I'm trying to remedy that now!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Knitted Gifties
Finally! A post showing (most of) the cute handmade gifts bambino received from my sweet friends.
I'm totally spoiled, as there are more blankets (knitted and crocheted), bibs, a cute clock, a quilt..... I love how I've discovered all these talented people just by having a baby! Many of my friends and co-workers have gifted us handcrafted things, and I just treasure them. Knowing how special these things are to me, makes it worth all the effort I put into gifts.
More knitting from my needles soon!
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
5 weeks
Bambino is 5 weeks old - how did this happen already? She already seems so much bigger/older than she did when we brought her home. She holds her head up really well and likes to look at everything. She moves her arms and legs constantly when she's lying down. She still wants to be held all.the.time when she's sleeping, but we have gotten her to sleep with us at night.
I'm still knitting, as much as possible, usually balancing her on my chest. Her duck booties are done, and I'll share her costume on Friday or Saturday. I've started some new projects and I'll share those soon. I've also finally taken new pictures of the knitted gifts she's received, so I'll get those up too. But for now, baby love!
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Baby, oh baby!
I actually have a free minute, and two free hands to type this - a miracle!
Bambino (who needs a good internet nickname) was born Friday, September 19th, at 10:20 pm. She was 9 lbs, 1 oz and 21.5 inches long.
Quick birth story - on Tuesday the 16th, I was sent for a sono by my doctor. Sono showed baby weighed around 9 lbs. I was a bit nervous, since they had earlier said that she'd be 7.5 lbs. Big difference.
Dr. visit on Wednesday - doctor walked into the exam room and said "How about tonight?" Yikes. So not prepared for that. We opted to wait until Friday morning (when I said "How much bigger could she get in two days? Haha" doctor didn't reply. Gulp).
Spent most of (OK, all of) Wednesday night and Thursday freaking out. Put hubby in charge of telling/talking to everyone so I could freak out.
Friday, 3 am - called hospital to see if a bed was free. No room in the inn. Back to bed.
Friday, 6:30 am - called again. C'mon down!
Friday 7:30 am - arrive hospital. Sign forms, get IV.
Friday 9 am - Pitocin started. 1 cm dilated, 75% effaced. Can see contractions on the monitor, but wouldn't know I was having them if I wasn't watching the screen. They just feel like baby trying to force her way out butt first through my belly button.
Friday 2 pm - Dr. comes in - still at 1 cm - and breaks water (bizarre feeling!) to "get things moving." Now I can feel contractions and they don't feel nice
Friday 4:30ish - ask for pain relief (to my dismay). We decide to do epidural as dr is going into a c-section and won't be able to do it later soon. Hurts like heck. Epidural does not stop pain. Dr. returns to up dosage. About 30 minutes later pain relief kicks in. I'm at 2 cm.
Friday 5:30ish - my doctor leaves, I meet on-call doctor. I'm at nearly 3 cm. I get told to take a nap. Haha.
Friday 8 ish - They put in an internal monitor to see if the pitocin is making me contract "effectively." Still at 3cm.
Friday 9:30 - I'm contracting "right", but my body does not want baby coming out the "right" way. Doctor says I can stay on the pitocin and keep waiting, but I've been on the drugs for 12 hours, and I've only advanced 2 cm. We discuss c-section and decide that it is what is best for baby, to reduce the chance of an emergency c-section later. I cry a lot. I'm scared and upset that this hasn't gone the way I planned.
Friday 10 pm - I'm whisked off to the OR. It is VERY cold in the OR. Hubby arrives about 10:15.
Friday 10:20 - She's out! 10 fingers and toes. Beautiful.
In the end, we had a healthy baby, regardless of how I wanted things to go. The doctors and nurses were great, very sweet and patient with me. When the doctor opened me up she said "She is a big one!" We're pretty sure she was the biggest baby in the nursery. Everyone who came into our room said "So you're the one who had the 9 pounder!" It was a bit like being a celebrity, in a bizarre way.
We stayed in the hospital until Sunday night. I was very sore and very frustrated that I needed so much help when we got home. Nursing was tough for several days, but we seem to have it down now. She's not sleeping unless she's being held, hence the lack of blog post. But we took her to bed with us, and we all slept last night, even if it wasn't through the night. Praise the lord.
More pictures will trickle in, I'm sure, and I still have several unblogged FOs, and more projects started. No knitting for now though, until she'll let me put her down.
Oh, and my momma won the contest, so mom, you need to think about what you want your prize to be. Thanks to all who entered. Must go relieve dad of holding duty and get ready for bed. Thank you for all your good wishes and thoughts. I'll try not to be a stranger around here!
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Where's the baby?
I've got lots to share, but I wanted to get the baby contest posted, before she arrives! Leave a comment with your guess of date, weight, and length and the winner will receive a prize (knitters and non-knitters are free to enter - I can come up with separate prizes!). Just to be fair - my due date is September 20, and I am not dilated yet.
So - enter away! More to come this week - so long as baby holds off!
So - enter away! More to come this week - so long as baby holds off!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Random Wednesday
1. Computer is still broken. Pictures are still inside it. I do have some that I already uploaded to flickr (finished knits), so I will have some photo content at some point. Soon I hope.
2. Teachers reported back on Monday. Boo Hiss, summer is over.
3. My classroom, which I spent hours setting up in June, as I knew I wouldn't be able to move furniture in August, had EVERYTHING removed and then dumped back into the room. And two tables, my rocking chair and a bookcase are missing. Another bookcase is broken. Grrr.
4. It is taking me FOREVER to set up my room, due to #3, my hugeness/slowness, and the fact that hubbo now works on the other side of town and can't just run over after school to help.
5. My principal is making me team teach and I don't want to. :(
6. Baby is head-down! And there was much rejoicing!
7. Baby's room is nearly ready - all we really need is a mattress for the crib, and some pictures hung on the wall. Two showers this weekend should take care of the little odds and ends we're still missing.
8. Saved 30 cents/gallon today thanks to my MILs Tom Thumb card. Yippee!
9. Knit my dishrag, mailed it off the next day for dishrag tag. Haven't knit a stitch since, and won't probably until knitting tomorrow night.
10. Have a baby sweater and a sweater for me waiting for finishing. Don't want to seam.
11. Have fabric washed and ready to sew a baby dress and cloth wipes. No time to sew.
I'm sure there is more I wanted to share, but I'm exhausted. So glad there is no more gymnastics or swimming - I can go to bed early tonight!
2. Teachers reported back on Monday. Boo Hiss, summer is over.
3. My classroom, which I spent hours setting up in June, as I knew I wouldn't be able to move furniture in August, had EVERYTHING removed and then dumped back into the room. And two tables, my rocking chair and a bookcase are missing. Another bookcase is broken. Grrr.
4. It is taking me FOREVER to set up my room, due to #3, my hugeness/slowness, and the fact that hubbo now works on the other side of town and can't just run over after school to help.
5. My principal is making me team teach and I don't want to. :(
6. Baby is head-down! And there was much rejoicing!
7. Baby's room is nearly ready - all we really need is a mattress for the crib, and some pictures hung on the wall. Two showers this weekend should take care of the little odds and ends we're still missing.
8. Saved 30 cents/gallon today thanks to my MILs Tom Thumb card. Yippee!
9. Knit my dishrag, mailed it off the next day for dishrag tag. Haven't knit a stitch since, and won't probably until knitting tomorrow night.
10. Have a baby sweater and a sweater for me waiting for finishing. Don't want to seam.
11. Have fabric washed and ready to sew a baby dress and cloth wipes. No time to sew.
I'm sure there is more I wanted to share, but I'm exhausted. So glad there is no more gymnastics or swimming - I can go to bed early tonight!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
My f***** computer is on the fritz again - and it wouldn't be such a big deal if the pictures from the shower and the sock pattern that is due tomorrow weren't locked inside it. And this is after we paid over $1000 to have it fixed two separate times last year. Cross your fingers - we can't afford a new computer right now, and I'm not paying to have it fixed again.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Sweet Baby Sweaters
The finishing roll continues around here with two new sweaters for the bean.

Pattern: February Baby Sweater from EZ's Knitter's Almanac
Yarn: Mirasol Contani - just over 3 skeins
Needles: Sz 8 Clover bamboo circulars and dpns
Dates: Um, May-July 2008
Mods: I put the stitches for the sleeves on waste yarn, finished knitting the body and went back and knit the sleeves in the round - much better!
Thoughts: This seemed to drag for a while, but it went very fast when I actually worked on it. It is very cute and has adorable sheepy buttons too!

Pattern: Provence Baby Cardigan from Classic Elite
Yarn: Classic Elite Provence
Needles: Sz 6 Clover bamboo circulars
Dates: May or June-July 2008
Mods: none
Thoughts: I did pick up too many stitches for the button bands, so they flare a bit, but I can live with it. This is very cute, and will hopefully fit the babe around Easter time.
I've nearly finished another sweater (needs ribbon) and one that just needs a sleeve, so more are on their way! I've also got two pairs of socks almost done and a pair of slippers. And an adult sweater that just needs one sleeve and finishing.
I debated joining the Ravelypics (or however they are spelling it), in WIP wrestling, but I don't want to commit, 'cause then I won't get anything done! I don't think I can get the WIPs down to 10 before the babe's arrival, but it will be close.
I've got very cute baby gifts to post pictures of - the sweeties at my LYS threw me a shower on Sunday, and I was spoiled. I hopefully will get pictures of them tomorrow, if it doesn't rain. (But I am hoping for rain, so fingers crossed!)
Things here are good beyond that - the nursery is nearly done (pics when it is), we bought a new car - pictures soon. I have my 33.5 week check-up tomorrow - everything has been fine so far - she's not headdown yet, so I'm nervous about getting her turned around so I don't have to have a c-section. I know I have a few weeks yet, but I'll be talking to the doctor about when she needs to be ready to go before we have to make that decision. I'm trying not to melt (It has been 100-107 here the last 17 days or something crazy like that), and I'm trying to get all my ducks in a row for the first few weeks of school, and then having stuff ready for the sub. Crazy!
OK, this has turned into a novel - oh, but for those who have been asking - she is due September 20. More knitting soon!
Pattern: February Baby Sweater from EZ's Knitter's Almanac
Yarn: Mirasol Contani - just over 3 skeins
Needles: Sz 8 Clover bamboo circulars and dpns
Dates: Um, May-July 2008
Mods: I put the stitches for the sleeves on waste yarn, finished knitting the body and went back and knit the sleeves in the round - much better!
Thoughts: This seemed to drag for a while, but it went very fast when I actually worked on it. It is very cute and has adorable sheepy buttons too!
Pattern: Provence Baby Cardigan from Classic Elite
Yarn: Classic Elite Provence
Needles: Sz 6 Clover bamboo circulars
Dates: May or June-July 2008
Mods: none
Thoughts: I did pick up too many stitches for the button bands, so they flare a bit, but I can live with it. This is very cute, and will hopefully fit the babe around Easter time.
I've nearly finished another sweater (needs ribbon) and one that just needs a sleeve, so more are on their way! I've also got two pairs of socks almost done and a pair of slippers. And an adult sweater that just needs one sleeve and finishing.
I debated joining the Ravelypics (or however they are spelling it), in WIP wrestling, but I don't want to commit, 'cause then I won't get anything done! I don't think I can get the WIPs down to 10 before the babe's arrival, but it will be close.
I've got very cute baby gifts to post pictures of - the sweeties at my LYS threw me a shower on Sunday, and I was spoiled. I hopefully will get pictures of them tomorrow, if it doesn't rain. (But I am hoping for rain, so fingers crossed!)
Things here are good beyond that - the nursery is nearly done (pics when it is), we bought a new car - pictures soon. I have my 33.5 week check-up tomorrow - everything has been fine so far - she's not headdown yet, so I'm nervous about getting her turned around so I don't have to have a c-section. I know I have a few weeks yet, but I'll be talking to the doctor about when she needs to be ready to go before we have to make that decision. I'm trying not to melt (It has been 100-107 here the last 17 days or something crazy like that), and I'm trying to get all my ducks in a row for the first few weeks of school, and then having stuff ready for the sub. Crazy!
OK, this has turned into a novel - oh, but for those who have been asking - she is due September 20. More knitting soon!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Scarves and booties
More FOs on parade today!

Pattern: Isobel (can't remember the link)
Yarn: 1 skein Claudia Hand Painted Sport
Needles: sz US 8 DPNs
Dates: sometime last fall-July 2008
Mods: no fringe
Thoughts: edges curl under even with severe blocking. Oh well - it is still pretty. The repeat was easy to memorize and went quickly when I worked on it!

Pattern: Branching Out from Knitty
Yarn: 1 skein Claudia Hand Painted Sport
Needles: sz US 8 DPNs
Dates: sometime last fall-July 2008
Mods: none
Thoughts: very pretty - even hubby commented on it. Also went quickly when worked on.

Pattern: Magic Slippers
Yarn: Hill Country Yarns Sweet Feet
Needles: Sz US 3 DPNs
Dates: July 2008
Mods: um, none that I remember
Thoughts: They seem really small. And this picture of them sucks - they are cuter in real life.

Pattern: Saartje's Bootees
Yarn: leftover Mirasol Hacho
Needles: I think size 3.....
Dates: June 2008 - buttons sewn on in July
Mods: none
Thoughts: not sure I like the white buttons - I may switch them for some yellow ones. And this picture is the worst of the bunch, but I know if I wait to retake it, I'll never get this posted.
The finishing continues, though I sorely want to cast on for a February Lady Sweater - I think it would be great for the fall when I'm nursing. However, I am showing great restraint, since I'm excited about the numbers of things getting done around here. Maybe I'll start it when school starts, and try to finish it up before the bean gets here. At any rate, I'm off to try to finish a sleeve today, and maybe a baby sweater!
Again with the friggin sideways pictures! I don't think it's a blogger issue, I think it has to do with my iphoto program and my camera, but I don't know how to fix it, and I don't know they are going to be sideways until I upload them, and frankly, once they're uploaded, I'm out of blogging time, so I don't want to mess with them. My apologies - they were crappy pictures anyway.
Pattern: Isobel (can't remember the link)
Yarn: 1 skein Claudia Hand Painted Sport
Needles: sz US 8 DPNs
Dates: sometime last fall-July 2008
Mods: no fringe
Thoughts: edges curl under even with severe blocking. Oh well - it is still pretty. The repeat was easy to memorize and went quickly when I worked on it!
Pattern: Branching Out from Knitty
Yarn: 1 skein Claudia Hand Painted Sport
Needles: sz US 8 DPNs
Dates: sometime last fall-July 2008
Mods: none
Thoughts: very pretty - even hubby commented on it. Also went quickly when worked on.
Pattern: Magic Slippers
Yarn: Hill Country Yarns Sweet Feet
Needles: Sz US 3 DPNs
Dates: July 2008
Mods: um, none that I remember
Thoughts: They seem really small. And this picture of them sucks - they are cuter in real life.
Pattern: Saartje's Bootees
Yarn: leftover Mirasol Hacho
Needles: I think size 3.....
Dates: June 2008 - buttons sewn on in July
Mods: none
Thoughts: not sure I like the white buttons - I may switch them for some yellow ones. And this picture is the worst of the bunch, but I know if I wait to retake it, I'll never get this posted.
The finishing continues, though I sorely want to cast on for a February Lady Sweater - I think it would be great for the fall when I'm nursing. However, I am showing great restraint, since I'm excited about the numbers of things getting done around here. Maybe I'll start it when school starts, and try to finish it up before the bean gets here. At any rate, I'm off to try to finish a sleeve today, and maybe a baby sweater!
Again with the friggin sideways pictures! I don't think it's a blogger issue, I think it has to do with my iphoto program and my camera, but I don't know how to fix it, and I don't know they are going to be sideways until I upload them, and frankly, once they're uploaded, I'm out of blogging time, so I don't want to mess with them. My apologies - they were crappy pictures anyway.
Friday, July 25, 2008
It is summer, and that means socks. To help me finish up some pairs, I ripped out 3 pairs that weren't working - my Solstice Slip socks - couldn't get into the pattern, my Diagonal Rib socks - again, couldn't get into the pattern, and a pair for hubbo that were turning out too big.
This week I finished one pair, and I can show you a pair I finished a few weeks ago.

Pattern: Reversai from Sock Madness
Yarn: BMFA Lightweight in Watermelon Tourmaline (my first skein of STR ever!)
Needles: 2.25 Chiagoo DPNs
Dates: March-July 2008
Mods: longer cuff (not really a mod, but most folks seemed to make the shorter one.)
Thoughts: I enjoyed the stitch pattern and the overall construction of the sock - I was just too lazy to finish it!

Pattern: Up the Down Staircase (MY pattern! for the Yarns Ewenique Sock Club)
Yarn: Claudia Hand Painted Fingering
Needles: 2.5 Chaigoo DPNs
Dates: sometime last year (to get gauge and figure out the stitch pattern) to July 2008
Mods: n/a
Thoughts: I love them, of course!
I've also managed to finish up the first sock for hubbo (2x2 ribbing may kill me), and the first sock of a plain set for me. I've got the second sock of my Child's First Sock pair through the heel, so that should be done soon, and I want to finish the second Embossed Leaves sock.
The finishing train continues to hang out here - I have a crazy goal of having 10 active WIPs by the time the baby is born (it's around 26 now) - we'll see if I can make it - I have 8 weeks!
This week I finished one pair, and I can show you a pair I finished a few weeks ago.
Pattern: Reversai from Sock Madness
Yarn: BMFA Lightweight in Watermelon Tourmaline (my first skein of STR ever!)
Needles: 2.25 Chiagoo DPNs
Dates: March-July 2008
Mods: longer cuff (not really a mod, but most folks seemed to make the shorter one.)
Thoughts: I enjoyed the stitch pattern and the overall construction of the sock - I was just too lazy to finish it!
Pattern: Up the Down Staircase (MY pattern! for the Yarns Ewenique Sock Club)
Yarn: Claudia Hand Painted Fingering
Needles: 2.5 Chaigoo DPNs
Dates: sometime last year (to get gauge and figure out the stitch pattern) to July 2008
Mods: n/a
Thoughts: I love them, of course!
I've also managed to finish up the first sock for hubbo (2x2 ribbing may kill me), and the first sock of a plain set for me. I've got the second sock of my Child's First Sock pair through the heel, so that should be done soon, and I want to finish the second Embossed Leaves sock.
The finishing train continues to hang out here - I have a crazy goal of having 10 active WIPs by the time the baby is born (it's around 26 now) - we'll see if I can make it - I have 8 weeks!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
The Trouble with Finishing
I sat and had a finishing marathon this weekend - and it was worth it, as you'll see, but it also has a downside - stay tuned.

Pattern: Pinwheel Baby Blanket
Yarn: Cotton Ease - old colors
Needles: Sz 8 Clover bamboo DPNs and Circulars
Dates: Late June-July 18
Mods: none
Thoughts: I really hate this pattern at the beginning (it's so fiddly having those few stitches on the big DPNs), but I really enjoy it by the end. I wish I had made this a bit bigger, but I needed to finish it, as it is a gift. I predict there will be more of these in the future.

Pattern: Duck Hood from Debbie Bliss' Kid's Knits for Heads, Hands and Toes
Yarn: Berocco Comfort DK
Needles: Sz 7 and 3
Dates: um, June something to July 20
Mods: no foam in the beak
Thoughts: So cute! This is part of the bean's Halloween costume, per her dad's request. I'm working on the booties to go with (the ones from 50 Baby Bootees to Knit), and then we have to find her a yellow "outfit" to wear with.

Pattern: Ladybird Hat from the same book as the duck hat
Yarn: Wool Gotto
Needles: Sz 7 and 3
Dates: June something to July 20
Mods: none
Thoughts: Much cuter on a baby than shown here - the antennae don't stand up as well as I would like, but they are still cute. I may tack down the tops of them to keep them standing up.

Pattern: Olive You hat from Itty-Bitty Hats
Yarn: Sublime Merino, Tahki Cotton Classic and scraps of Rowan Cotton Glace
Needles: Sz 7 Addi's
Dates: June/May to July 20
Mods: I duplicate stitched on the pimentos, and didn't add them to the back.
Thoughts: Very cute! This is a gift (to go with the blanket), and I think the mom will love it. I love it!
There are several other finished knits, but I need to stretch the blog fodder for as long as possible!
The bad thing about all this finishing? Everything else that needs to be finished isn't so close to being finished as to finish in a day or so. So it may be a while before I have any more finished knits. However, if I stretch out the ones that are already finished, y'all may never notice! :)
I don't understand why my computer insists on turning some of the pictures. When I try to manually turn them back, it turns them again, and when I undo my manual turning, it has them turned. Argh! And it seems to pick and choose the ones it wants to turn, as all of these were taken "right side up." Grrr.
Pattern: Pinwheel Baby Blanket
Yarn: Cotton Ease - old colors
Needles: Sz 8 Clover bamboo DPNs and Circulars
Dates: Late June-July 18
Mods: none
Thoughts: I really hate this pattern at the beginning (it's so fiddly having those few stitches on the big DPNs), but I really enjoy it by the end. I wish I had made this a bit bigger, but I needed to finish it, as it is a gift. I predict there will be more of these in the future.
Pattern: Duck Hood from Debbie Bliss' Kid's Knits for Heads, Hands and Toes
Yarn: Berocco Comfort DK
Needles: Sz 7 and 3
Dates: um, June something to July 20
Mods: no foam in the beak
Thoughts: So cute! This is part of the bean's Halloween costume, per her dad's request. I'm working on the booties to go with (the ones from 50 Baby Bootees to Knit), and then we have to find her a yellow "outfit" to wear with.
Pattern: Ladybird Hat from the same book as the duck hat
Yarn: Wool Gotto
Needles: Sz 7 and 3
Dates: June something to July 20
Mods: none
Thoughts: Much cuter on a baby than shown here - the antennae don't stand up as well as I would like, but they are still cute. I may tack down the tops of them to keep them standing up.
Pattern: Olive You hat from Itty-Bitty Hats
Yarn: Sublime Merino, Tahki Cotton Classic and scraps of Rowan Cotton Glace
Needles: Sz 7 Addi's
Dates: June/May to July 20
Mods: I duplicate stitched on the pimentos, and didn't add them to the back.
Thoughts: Very cute! This is a gift (to go with the blanket), and I think the mom will love it. I love it!
There are several other finished knits, but I need to stretch the blog fodder for as long as possible!
The bad thing about all this finishing? Everything else that needs to be finished isn't so close to being finished as to finish in a day or so. So it may be a while before I have any more finished knits. However, if I stretch out the ones that are already finished, y'all may never notice! :)
I don't understand why my computer insists on turning some of the pictures. When I try to manually turn them back, it turns them again, and when I undo my manual turning, it has them turned. Argh! And it seems to pick and choose the ones it wants to turn, as all of these were taken "right side up." Grrr.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Odds and Ends
I'm really tired of apologizing for not blogging more. There are two ways to solve this problem - blog more, or stop apologizing. We'll see which one happens.
We've been busy bees around here - we visited my parents for a week up in Indiana, and since we've been back we've been doing house projects to get ready for the little one. Nothing really spectacular (and thus not really blog worthy), but we've cleaned out the room that will be hers (and this really was blog worthy, but I didn't take a before picture) - this involved the sewing table, three bookcases and hubby's desk moving into our (small) bedroom. I got a new desk (secretary) which will stay in her room for the time being, as we have nowhere else to put it. At least it closes up so we can't see my mess. The yarn still lives in her closet, but there is nowhere else for that to go either, and really, her clothes don't take up too much space right now! Hubby built her a lovely Ikea wardrobe for her hanging things, built a dresser for the others, hung shelves for goodies, replaced the ceiling fan, and I hung curtains. Now we just need a crib, something that keeps going in and out of stock at Target. Grrr. Pictures when her room is complete.
I've also kept hubby busy replacing the bathtub doors with a shower curtain in the hall bath, hanging shelves in our room, finally putting the "cover" pieces on two of the kitchen cabinets and putting in a filler piece around the turntable cabinet, putting a weather strip on the bottom of the front door, powerwashing the old paint off the trim, building a bench/kitty litter box for the kitchen, and stripping and sanding and painting new doors for all the rooms in the house (4). Whew! His only remaining big projects are to finish the doors, stain the bench, paint the window trim (inside and out) and clean/reorganize the garage. Oh, and build a crib when we get one. And he goes to four days of training next week, then back to work August 4th. It will be a miracle if it all gets done before the bean gets here.
I've been busy with a list of my own, mostly involving Christmas gifts that I can't show here and that aren't knitted (gasp!). I've got six gifts done, and our "family" gift that everyone gets - which is usually an ornament, but not this year! It needs just a few more things, and it's done. I'm also nearly done with the advent calendar I started last year right before Christmas, and I've finished embroidering the valances for the kitchen (pictures after hubby hangs the new curtain rods). I've been writing lesson plans and unit plans for novels for my sub, which isn't too much fun, but necessary if I want things to be done. Just a few more things to do, and I'll be mostly ready for her to take the class.
I have been knitting a bit, but these other things have taken a priority. I didn't knit much on the drive to Indiana, as it was a bit too warm with the sun shining in (and I'm warm all the time now). I did manage to finish up a scarf when we got home that needs to be blocked, and I'm close to being done with a baby blanket for a friend, but all the other knits are in pretty much the same state they have been. My list for today includes finishing up things that are nearly finished so I'll have blog fodder!
I do have some fodder for you. The lovely Theresa sent this cute washcloth for the bean - too cute! Thanks Theresa! The bean also received two handknit bibs from mom (not yet photographed), and a cute hat from a knitting/crochet buddy.

(I don't know why the picture is sideways, but I don't have the energy to deal with it. My apologies)
I've got some new yarn to show off, yarn store reviews, book reviews, and hopefully finished objects to share. I really do want to get back into the "groove" of blogging. I've been reading everyone else's blog, so I'm not sure what my excuse is, beyond lack of pictures.
Sorry for the novel post here - but thanks for reading this far! Oh, and I'm going to have a contest when we get closer to delivery, so stay tuned for that! Have a great Thursday!
We've been busy bees around here - we visited my parents for a week up in Indiana, and since we've been back we've been doing house projects to get ready for the little one. Nothing really spectacular (and thus not really blog worthy), but we've cleaned out the room that will be hers (and this really was blog worthy, but I didn't take a before picture) - this involved the sewing table, three bookcases and hubby's desk moving into our (small) bedroom. I got a new desk (secretary) which will stay in her room for the time being, as we have nowhere else to put it. At least it closes up so we can't see my mess. The yarn still lives in her closet, but there is nowhere else for that to go either, and really, her clothes don't take up too much space right now! Hubby built her a lovely Ikea wardrobe for her hanging things, built a dresser for the others, hung shelves for goodies, replaced the ceiling fan, and I hung curtains. Now we just need a crib, something that keeps going in and out of stock at Target. Grrr. Pictures when her room is complete.
I've also kept hubby busy replacing the bathtub doors with a shower curtain in the hall bath, hanging shelves in our room, finally putting the "cover" pieces on two of the kitchen cabinets and putting in a filler piece around the turntable cabinet, putting a weather strip on the bottom of the front door, powerwashing the old paint off the trim, building a bench/kitty litter box for the kitchen, and stripping and sanding and painting new doors for all the rooms in the house (4). Whew! His only remaining big projects are to finish the doors, stain the bench, paint the window trim (inside and out) and clean/reorganize the garage. Oh, and build a crib when we get one. And he goes to four days of training next week, then back to work August 4th. It will be a miracle if it all gets done before the bean gets here.
I've been busy with a list of my own, mostly involving Christmas gifts that I can't show here and that aren't knitted (gasp!). I've got six gifts done, and our "family" gift that everyone gets - which is usually an ornament, but not this year! It needs just a few more things, and it's done. I'm also nearly done with the advent calendar I started last year right before Christmas, and I've finished embroidering the valances for the kitchen (pictures after hubby hangs the new curtain rods). I've been writing lesson plans and unit plans for novels for my sub, which isn't too much fun, but necessary if I want things to be done. Just a few more things to do, and I'll be mostly ready for her to take the class.
I have been knitting a bit, but these other things have taken a priority. I didn't knit much on the drive to Indiana, as it was a bit too warm with the sun shining in (and I'm warm all the time now). I did manage to finish up a scarf when we got home that needs to be blocked, and I'm close to being done with a baby blanket for a friend, but all the other knits are in pretty much the same state they have been. My list for today includes finishing up things that are nearly finished so I'll have blog fodder!
I do have some fodder for you. The lovely Theresa sent this cute washcloth for the bean - too cute! Thanks Theresa! The bean also received two handknit bibs from mom (not yet photographed), and a cute hat from a knitting/crochet buddy.
(I don't know why the picture is sideways, but I don't have the energy to deal with it. My apologies)
I've got some new yarn to show off, yarn store reviews, book reviews, and hopefully finished objects to share. I really do want to get back into the "groove" of blogging. I've been reading everyone else's blog, so I'm not sure what my excuse is, beyond lack of pictures.
Sorry for the novel post here - but thanks for reading this far! Oh, and I'm going to have a contest when we get closer to delivery, so stay tuned for that! Have a great Thursday!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Baby sweaters
Last of the FOs for a bit here - but more are en route - just as soon as I get some of that nasty finishing done. I sat and forced myself to "finish" for a few days last week - allowing all of these FOs. Perhaps this weekend will bring another batch.

Pattern: Baby Bolero from One Skein by Leigh Radford
Yarn: Manos Cotton Stira - leftover from mom's sweater last year.
Needles: Sz 8 Clover Bamboo circular
Dates: May-June 2008
Mods: I tried to knit it a bit bigger, since the pattern is sized for a newborn and it will probably still be hot here when she is born.
Thoughts: Would have been done much sooner if I wasn't such a loser when it comes to sitting down and finishing things!

Pattern: Baby Surprise Jacket from EZ's The Opinionated Knitter
Yarn: Mirasol Hacho - 2.5 skeins
Needles: Sz 6 Clover bamboo circular
Dates: April-May 2008 (buttons sewn on in June)
Mods: none!
Thoughts: My gauge is spot on, but this looks big. It's a little frustrating to not know what size it is, especially since we get so few months that are cold enough for a sweater. That being said, there's no guarantee she'll fit into anything when the pattern says she will!

Pattern: Encore Worsted Colorspun Worsted Toddler Cardigan
Yarn: Encore Worsted (only 1 skein- pattern called for 2) and Ella Rae Amity (for trim)
Needles: Sz 5 and 7 Addi Turbo circulars
Dates: April-June 2008
Mods: using the contrast color for the buttonband and collar
Thoughts: My gauge was a little small, but this is a shop sample, so we don't have to worry about it fitting a "real" baby. This is for our sweater construction class that is coming up at the end of July - I hope we'll have some takers as this will be one of the last classes I get to teach for a while!
I started my summer of socks project - but I'll save that excitement for next time!

Pattern: Baby Bolero from One Skein by Leigh Radford
Yarn: Manos Cotton Stira - leftover from mom's sweater last year.
Needles: Sz 8 Clover Bamboo circular
Dates: May-June 2008
Mods: I tried to knit it a bit bigger, since the pattern is sized for a newborn and it will probably still be hot here when she is born.
Thoughts: Would have been done much sooner if I wasn't such a loser when it comes to sitting down and finishing things!

Pattern: Baby Surprise Jacket from EZ's The Opinionated Knitter
Yarn: Mirasol Hacho - 2.5 skeins
Needles: Sz 6 Clover bamboo circular
Dates: April-May 2008 (buttons sewn on in June)
Mods: none!
Thoughts: My gauge is spot on, but this looks big. It's a little frustrating to not know what size it is, especially since we get so few months that are cold enough for a sweater. That being said, there's no guarantee she'll fit into anything when the pattern says she will!

Pattern: Encore Worsted Colorspun Worsted Toddler Cardigan
Yarn: Encore Worsted (only 1 skein- pattern called for 2) and Ella Rae Amity (for trim)
Needles: Sz 5 and 7 Addi Turbo circulars
Dates: April-June 2008
Mods: using the contrast color for the buttonband and collar
Thoughts: My gauge was a little small, but this is a shop sample, so we don't have to worry about it fitting a "real" baby. This is for our sweater construction class that is coming up at the end of July - I hope we'll have some takers as this will be one of the last classes I get to teach for a while!
I started my summer of socks project - but I'll save that excitement for next time!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Baby hats on Parade!
Baby hats are really almost like the dessert of knitting. They are quick, easy, cute, use little yarn, and provide instant gratification. No wonder I've got four down, one that needs finishing and another on the needles.

Pattern: Sweet Baby Cap
Yarn: Hill Country Yarns Sweet Feet
Needles: Sz US 3 Clover bamboo DPNs
Mods: I think I did more repeats of the chevron pattern than the pattern called for - it was hard to tell if they meant 8 more rows or 8 more repeats.
Thoughts: Very cute and easy, once I got into the rhythm of the chevron pattern. I also like how the striping changed as the hat got smaller.

Pattern: Bunny Tails from Itty Bitty Hats
Yarn: Sublime Cashmerino (I think that's what it's called)
Needles: Sz US 7 Clover Bamboo circulars and DPNs
Mods: I didn't gather the bottom of the ear as the pattern calls for - I like it this way.
Thoughts: Thanks to a very lovely raveler, I was able to finish these. I was trying to eek this hat out with the leftovers from another hat that needs finishing, but I was short just below the ears. She graciously sent me almost 1/2 ball of her leftovers, so the ears were saved. :)

Pattern: Cherry-O! from Itty Bitty Hats
Yarn: Leftovers Knitpicks Merino Style in Petal and something else
Needles: sz US 7 Clover Bamboo Circulars and DPNs
Mods: No cherries - I like just the stripes, so I'm leaving it this way for now.
Thoughts: Cute!

Pattern: Inca Baby Hat from Kid's Knits for Heads, Hands, and Toes by Debbie Bliss (now out of print)
Yarn: Berroco Comfort DK in 7 colors (leftovers from the petal hat and two more colors)
Needles: sz US 6 Addi Turbo circulars and Clover bamboo DPNs
Mods: My row gauge was off, so I added some stripes after the people and before the top shaping. I also changed up a few of the colors to use what I already had.
Thoughts: I wish the bottom didn't still flip up (even after a crochet edging), but perhaps steam will help.
Next up - baby sweaters!

Pattern: Sweet Baby Cap
Yarn: Hill Country Yarns Sweet Feet
Needles: Sz US 3 Clover bamboo DPNs
Mods: I think I did more repeats of the chevron pattern than the pattern called for - it was hard to tell if they meant 8 more rows or 8 more repeats.
Thoughts: Very cute and easy, once I got into the rhythm of the chevron pattern. I also like how the striping changed as the hat got smaller.

Pattern: Bunny Tails from Itty Bitty Hats
Yarn: Sublime Cashmerino (I think that's what it's called)
Needles: Sz US 7 Clover Bamboo circulars and DPNs
Mods: I didn't gather the bottom of the ear as the pattern calls for - I like it this way.
Thoughts: Thanks to a very lovely raveler, I was able to finish these. I was trying to eek this hat out with the leftovers from another hat that needs finishing, but I was short just below the ears. She graciously sent me almost 1/2 ball of her leftovers, so the ears were saved. :)

Pattern: Cherry-O! from Itty Bitty Hats
Yarn: Leftovers Knitpicks Merino Style in Petal and something else
Needles: sz US 7 Clover Bamboo Circulars and DPNs
Mods: No cherries - I like just the stripes, so I'm leaving it this way for now.
Thoughts: Cute!

Pattern: Inca Baby Hat from Kid's Knits for Heads, Hands, and Toes by Debbie Bliss (now out of print)
Yarn: Berroco Comfort DK in 7 colors (leftovers from the petal hat and two more colors)
Needles: sz US 6 Addi Turbo circulars and Clover bamboo DPNs
Mods: My row gauge was off, so I added some stripes after the people and before the top shaping. I also changed up a few of the colors to use what I already had.
Thoughts: I wish the bottom didn't still flip up (even after a crochet edging), but perhaps steam will help.
Next up - baby sweaters!
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