But y'all know my KAL curse and all, so perhaps it's for the best. And I certainly can't finish these in 11 days, so it would be at least Sockvember and maybe Sockcember before I finish.
I did finally do the perfect pattern search, wound the yarn and cast on. (I just typed yearn, haha!)
I used a new technique - I used a toilet paper roll with a notch at the top to wind the yarn to make a center pull ball. I cannot remember where I saw it, but great tip! It worked great.
Doesn't it look purty?

After much deliberation I settled on the Leaf Lace Socks from the Spring issue of Southern Cross Knitting. (Can I tell you how funny it is that it is spring there? I guess I never got this when I was younger - that the seasons are opposite and all. I'm just glad we're headed for cooler temperatures, not warmer!)
I'm a little concerned though - there are only two sizes for the pattern - one for a 20 cm circumference and one for 26. My feet are 22. I tried to make a middle size, but it won't work out with the pattern repeat, at least I don't think it will.
I ended up casting on for the small size, hoping it will stretch, but it looks WAY too small. I am supposed to go up a needle size, so that might help, we'll see. Any suggestions?
And because we're all socks here today, I found a silly sock quiz!
Wow! You would have been a pair of socks as long
as it's possible for socks to be before they're
tights - and all multi-coloured with pretty
patterns and detail all over the place - then
you could stand and admire your sock-self all
What type of sock are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Sorry about your frogging misadventures. Believe me, there are times when I really hate it too. How exactly do you do the toilet paper roll trick? I have BOATLOADS of sock yarn that needs to be in center-pull balls!