And I took the damn test. I don't have any idea how long it will take to get my results. Let's say I'm a little nervous......
We finally started watching Alias again - the lovely folks at TNT are rerunning last season, doncha know? We're through 3 episodes so far....Love having my CIA/SD-6 friends back again - how I missed the Alias knitting.......
Best news in a long time - one of my BFFs is moving back to Texas! There may have been tears (of joy) shed over this news. I'm not telling. DH was the only one around......
Oh, knitting? You want knitting? Clappy is finished! Do ya hear that? FINISHED! But I think I'll have to block her. She is too big for the bed - any suggestions? Imagine FO picture here.......
Tomorrow - yarn store trek with Jen. Finally - Jen/Jenn knitting time and a chance to spend my birthday GC! Woo Hoo! I'll keep ya posted! (haha - posting/ humor, boy that's a stretch.......
Finally - I mailed my sockpal socks 17 days ago. I haven't heard anything. I don't know what to do. Surely she got them.......

Oh yes - I did buy more Target yarn....what can I say, I'm helpless in the face of a bargain......
Congrat's on the clappy! I've had my yarn for months, and haven't started yet. Everytime I sit down to cast on something goes wrong. Show us some pic's when you get a chance.