Thursday, December 28, 2006

A year in blog posts

Seen several places - interesting, and a bit of a cop-out post. Hopefully more tomorrow.

January - I hate the word "resolution" - it sounds so final, and I always feel horrible if I don't accomplish my "resolutions."

February - Today marks my 200th post - that's a lot of babbling!

March - Not a lot tonight - sleepy.

April - I'm sure that my stash is nothing compared to some of y'all, but it's a bit intimidating to me!

May - Often, on the first of May, I find myself wishing I lived in a time (or town) when we would dance round the Maypole, and sing songs.

June - Am I too blue for you?

July - We're having a great time on vacation, and I have lots of pictures to share, but I wanted to get this swap info up for my pal!

August - I've been working a bit in fits and starts on some goodies for the Christmas basket.

September - I had nearly no voice today at school, and the two margaritas during dinner have pretty much wiped me out.

October - Socktoberfest is officially upon us, and what better way to kick it off than looking at what's on the needles?

November - How'd I do? Not so great.

December - "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

That's it from here - too much playing the Wii and knitting with mom - and buying yarn! :)


  1. Lot's of knitting stash enhancements, heh. What more can a knitter want (besides, let's see...sleep and margaritas:)

  2. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Wow, that was quite a year. Happy New Year!

  3. You had some GREAT first lines!!
