Thursday, November 01, 2012

Halloween costume wrap up

I thought I'd share pictures of our finished costumes!

photo 1

Ben and Ellie were Thing One and Thing Two. I purchased the adorable fabric for their pants last year (always a planner!). For their shirts I found long sleeve red shirts at Walmart (I was pleasantly surprised by the feel of the shirts, and it is impossible to find inexpensive plain solid colored long sleeve shirts for toddlers!) and made iron-on transfers for the 'thing' circles. They didn't turn out great (my iron was too hot I think and the transfer didn't adhere all over. Oh well - they are for a costume!  For their hats I knit a basic hat pattern and held fun fur along with a plain yarn. Of course, I used light blue fun fur from my stash and didn't have enough for two hats and JoAnn's didn't have more light blue, so Ellie's is a different color. Oh well!

photo 3

About halfway through they mostly got the hang of trick-or-treating and would walk up to the houses without holding onto mommy and daddy. They didn't get the 'open up your bag' part, but I'm sure they'll have it down by next year! Everyone thought they were adorable, because, well, they are!

photo 2

Samantha loved her pumpkin costume - I'm glad I let her have a say in her costume this year - she was so excited to wear it! Although the requests and plans for next year have already started. Let's just say it starts with a p and ends with a 'rincess'. Mommy is not too thrilled, but she has 364 days to change her mind! (And knowing her, she'll want to be 364 different things in the meantime!)

You can't get a good look at my costume, but I made a simple skirt out of a purple poly-satin I found in the remnant bin at Hobby Lobby for something around $.79 and made a poufy underskirt out of green tulle that cost $.17! My hat came from the dollar section at Target and my socks were a great deal at JoAnn's. I added black shoes and a black top and my outfit cost about $6. Win! Samantha was really excited that mommy dressed up, though she did tell me I needed a broom. Maybe next year when I don't have to push a stroller!

Hope you all had a happy Halloween! Now, as one of my friends said, onto the pie holidays! :)

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