Saturday, March 04, 2006

KAL Update

No much excitement here today, too busy doing other things! I did cast on for my sockpal socks, but just had to rip them out as I messed up the provisional cast on. Blech.

So just a KAL update for you today:

Branching Out KAL - nothing to report. Still want to do this, just not right now.

Six Socks KAL - don't like this sock.

KOTR KAL - too busy to do this sock right now, but love it and want to do it soon. Maybe in March.

Handknit Holidays - want those Log Cabin socks, especially since it's getting too warm to wear them!

Scarf Style - deciding what's next. Really like Lady E. May have to buy some Noro in the near future.

200Socks - 6 socks knit in 2006!

Count your Socks - began with 4 pair, now up to 7!

Sock-a-Month - "F" socks and brownie point socks!

Ribby Cardi - Back and one sleeve done. Hope to cast on for a front tomorrow.

Evelyn A. Clark KAL - hope to work on the shawl some this week. Want this done!

Sockapalooza - see above.

Knit the Classics - haven't been reading. Mrs. Dalloway just didn't grab me and I couldn't get Woman on the Edge of Time from the library. I've read Life of Pi twice now, and while I really like it, I won't be reading it again. However, I do have a project in mind for it, I wonder if that still counts?

40 Days for Others - haven't started beyond gathering the yarn.

Sew? I Knit - more details tomorrow!

Project Spectrum - I plan to work on my postcard tomorrow and I'm knitting up lots of pink yarn!

I finished the Cover Your Head KAL (though I still have plans for two new hats in the near future, and lots of charity hats), the Knitting Olympics and the It's Not a Gift KAL this month.

Whew! I think that's it! I think I'm too much of a joiner! I'm also thinking that I'm not going to stress myself out about not keeping up with some of the sock groups, that I want to mostly use them as resources when I get to those socks. Though that didn't stop me from joining the Knitting Vintage Socks KAL this week. Oh well. Small steps.


  1. Whew! You constantly amaze me with the amount you always manage to get done! I'm starting to feel a little stressed about the KAL's I've joined recently, but I think you have the right idea. I have to remember not to get stressed out- you're totally right; it's great to just use the KAL as a resource and do the projects when you have the time. And I didn't know about the Knitting Vintage Socks KAL, either! Uh-oh...I'm feeling that KAL-join itch again! ;-) Take care and have a great weekend, Jenn! :-)

  2. You've already read Pi - no need to read it again. KTC's supposed to be fun not work! ;) If you knit a project for Pi of course it will count. Not that it looks like you have much free time. You have a lot goin on!

  3. How on earth can you do all of it! I barely have time to knit myself projects. I liked Life of Pi, it was a really good book. Right now I only have one KAL, but I think I'll join a sock one later in the year. Or next year maybe. I'll wait till I see one just starting up and I'll jump in then.
