Sunday, May 06, 2007

Scenes from my backyard

I've been doing some resting (some self-imposed, some due to my terrible allergies this week), and as much recharging as I can do during this hectic time, and I'm trying to get back into blogging. I don't have a lot of exciting knitting to show you, so instead, I give you some recent pictures of my backyard that I particularly like.

I do have some knitting and stash goodies to show you, hopefully in the next day or so. Have a great Monday!


  1. Cool pictures! Hope your allergies settle down a bit...

  2. Allergies should be the perfect excuse for knitting - staying inside! (Or are you too busy grading?)

  3. Serene and lovely. I had fun with you all at the gam Sunday!

  4. Pretty yard pictures! Everyone's allergies seem to be particularly bad this year.

  5. I especially like the one of the tree and the sky! Take good care of yourself and good luck dealin gwith the allergies.

  6. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Glad to hear you are getting some rest. I hope you feel better soon.
