This goodness came in the mail last week, when I really needed a pick me up. It is soooo yummy. Stormy Weather, Lemongrass, Lunasea (possibly my favorite name of anything ever), and Downpour. The Downpour is for hubbo, but when he saw the Stormy Weather he tried to steal it. Medium weight (so far my favorite, but it is the only weight I've tried so far), and I can't wait to plan some patterns for this loveliness.
The previous week I had received my Sock Club package, and it is gorgeous as well. Someday I'll get this all knit up. In the meantime I'm content to just look at it.
In full disclosure mode, here are my April In/Out numbers
Skeins out of the stash:
Skeins into the stash:
Gulp. But much better than I've been doing. I just think of it as a kind of savings account. Just in case they stop making yarn. That could happen, right?
There is nothing wrong with a dream...except reality (or should that be accept reality?) ;-)
ReplyDeleteOh, you have it bad! Those yarns are scrumdiddlyumptious!
ReplyDeleteSo here's a newbie question: where do you get socks that rock yarn? I'd love to join the STR bandwagon, but I can't seem to locate anything to start :)
Uh-oh. Colors I haven't seen! Beautiful! Must not buy...going to festival tomorrow. Must not buy...
ReplyDeleteThat's why I buy yarn too, just in case they stop making it. It's possible, remember when they stopped making original recipe Coca-Cola? (shudder) That was a rough few weeks.
ReplyDeleteNO NO, PLEASE TELL ME THEY WON'T STOP MAKING YARN!!!! Ahh, not that I would have anything to worry about. ;) Those skeins are so very pretty - I'm happy just looking at them.
ReplyDeleteI really like the yarn that you got from the club this month!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure there is a 12 step program somewhere, but I'm not going! Your new yarn is beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI knew I hit some sort of limit when the size of my sock stash doubled in 2 months and I only knit 1 pair of socks. But they could definitely stop making yarn!
ReplyDeleteGah! The Lemongrass! So gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteOh, and along a similar vein as Kat's comment, they have stopped making Diet Cherry Coke. Cherry Coke Zero? NOT the same. Waaah waaah waaah
ReplyDeleteWe don't need no stinkin' intervention. We need more yarn!
ReplyDeleteNo one can exist without at least 3 skeins of STR in the stash! I tell myself that sock yarn doesn't count as stash.
ReplyDeleteI received a skein of Lunasea in the mail today. I understand why it is your favorite. Can't wait to cast on.
That yarn is gorgeous. I always get the one sock done and then have to look to see which pattern and which color to work with next. My husband can't believe how many things I have going at one time. I even looked through the knit picks catalog today and marked off more yarn.
ReplyDeleteGood thing sock yarn doesn't count (wink). One good thing about buying yarn is that it is less fattening then chocolate. That is some seriously wonderful yarn in your stash!
ReplyDeleteThere is actually a yarn shortage going on! Many of the smaller dyers are having a hard time getting the undyed yarn, so please, stock up now!
ReplyDeleteYarn shortage? It could totally happen. I need to get some of that Lemongrass before it does...