Friday, November 10, 2006

Weekend Plans

Well, we won't be living it up at the Kid 'n Ewe festival this weekend, but we will be busy. We decided not to make the trip as we're driving to Indiana next weekend, and can't really face two weekends in the car. Plenty to do around here though!

We have big house cleaning/purging plans. We already took seven boxes of books to the used book store - not that you can tell at all from our shelves. I've also gathered one huge bag of shoes, and three bags full of just my clothes (and about two of hubby's) and filled three large trash bags (with actual trash). Oh, and the recycling cart is full. It feels good. Hubbo's afraid I might throw him out too though. Tomorrow - the scrubbing!

I'll try really hard not to let these get in the way of my plans, but no promises!

Have a great weekend!


  1. I always feel so good when I carry purged stuff out of the house. Where does all this stuff come from! I would not be able to ignore that stack of books though! Knitting Without Tears is one of my favorites.

  2. 'Baa baa Black Sheep, have you any wool, yes sir, yes sir three bags--' ... DONT'T THROUGH OUT ANY FREAKING WOOL!!!


    And I love that 'In Stitches' Amy Butler book. I want to purchase one, but the sewing looks like it might make me insane. You know Cabbage Rose has her fabric, right? And the proper interfacing? Sigh.

    And I *love* that 'Knitted Toys' book - I've had it forever, and coincidentally pulled it out yesterday to look at Christmas present ideas for my niece. Isn't the little Geisha adorable??

    Have fun cleaning!

  3. Anonymous6:11 AM

    well, I was going to ask you to come see me at the store today, but if you're busy . . . :)

  4. Anonymous7:43 PM

    wow - what ambition. I had to pick up the house for my unexpected company. too bad it wasn't next weekend, but guess that wasn't possible. hope you read your email

  5. Now you can get new books, right?

  6. Anonymous1:37 AM

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