See? There has been knitting! I'm through with the body of Wicked, now I just need two sleeves (and yes, I'm making long sleeves, 'cause if you're going to make a wool sweater, I feel like you should go all the way. And besides, even though I live in Texas, I'm usually always cold.)
I'll probably work on the sleeves this weekend and next week, when I DON'T HAVE SCHOOL FOR A WHOLE WEEK! Woo Hoo! Plus, my mommy is coming to visit, so I desperately need to finish her sweater, right mom? So there'll be that too hopefully. Can you imagine? Two finished sweaters? Be still my beating heart!
Also in the wicked awesome category, I'd like to give myself a wee pat on the back. You see, I've been trying to get motivated to loose what I like to call the "knitting weight" (you know, all the weight I've gained since I took up knitting and starting sitting for long periods of time. Because before the knitting it was the reading weight). I rejoined my old gym this summer, and was going on a regular basis and getting to take yoga class 2-3 times/week. Unfortunately, they only offer yoga on Tu/Th/Sat mornings, so I don't get to go anymore (I'm at the LYS on Saturdays). Poop. I called and tried to talk them into evening classes (like they used to offer) but they aren't interested. And I'll be honest - it takes a lot for me to want to go to the gym (but I feel guilty about spending the money and not going, so that helps a little). But I really want to fit back into some of my old clothes, so I need to drop just a few pounds, and be healthier. I know I mentioned the getting up at o'dark thirty a few days ago, and this is why: I've made a deal with myself - go to the gym four days a week, for four weeks and I get to take a personal day from school. Very excellent motivation. Though I won't get to take my day until well after the holidays, it looks like, that's OK. In fact, I was thinking today that maybe I don't need that motivation anymore. Maybe I just want to go. I've been reading on the elliptical machine, which I don't make time for anymore, so that's been nice. I've almost finished a book, and I can't tell you when was the last time that happened!
So wickedness all around! Only 3 more days until VACATION! And mommy!
Wicked looks great so far!
ReplyDeleteI should try reading at the gym, but I'm always worried I'll get distracted and not work as hard.
That's one of the problems with having a sedentary hobby. I've started getting up early to go to the gym before work, too, and I think it's working!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on that! Also, your sweater is lovely. I especially love the color!
ReplyDeleteWicked looks wonderful! Love that shade of apple green. I did my wool Wicked with short sleeves, and live in LA, and amazingly, it keeps a chill off! Just sayin' :) It you just can't face knitting up long sleeves. It will of course be gorgeous either way!
ReplyDeleteYou go girl! On all fronts. :)
ReplyDeleteWoo-hoo! Wicked, the gym, a week off work... Life is good!
ReplyDeleteGotta go with long sleeves. It's going to be a great sweater!
ReplyDeleteI really love the shade of green you chose for Wicked.
ReplyDeleteOnce I saw someone knitting on the bike at my gym. Maybe you could multi-task that way :)