Friday, August 17, 2007

Eye Candy Friday - birthday edition

Today's eye candy brought to you by my hubbo, who thoughtfully purchased both items I bookmarked for my birthday.

Zulugrass bracelet (idea shamelessly stolen from Scout.)

And all kinds of goodies from piddleloop - I LOVE my pouch (it has an elephant! Squee!), and Jen and Wendy sent along some extra birthday goodies - how sweet! (I particularly love the stitch markers with my initials!) I love that they include little "extras" from other etsy shops - knowing that they support each other like that makes me want to buy more goodies from all of them! Oh, and hubbo was very impressed with the customer service, and I am very impressed with the quality of my goodies - there are already two socks living inside!

Would it be totally wrong to wear the "Hello, my name is Crafty" button to the first day of school?

And finally, Happy Birthday to hubbo! I love you!


  1. that stuff is so cute! I love the buttons!

  2. Happy birthday to both of you! Those sheep gift tags are wonderul. Hmm...

  3. Anonymous8:59 PM

    i am SO GLAD you love it!
    i am assuming you had a very happy birthday then!

    thanks for the kind compliments, that makes us feel super special when we sew to know there's people out there who love them.

    happy birthday!

  4. Yay, birthday loot. Such fun stuff.

  5. Wonderful birthday goodies! Hope you both have happy birthdays!

  6. I've just caught up on your posts since our move. Please don't feel bad about not finishing your Tour project. Mine is going to have to be ripped -- again. Not a great example for being a co-hostess.

    I know it isn't funny, but reading the whole bunch of your posts through the kitchen renovation made me laugh -- each time something went wrong (and doesn't it always?) you bought more yarn or started more projects. I enjoyed living vicariously through you because I *so* wanted to do that with our house thing. Ugh.

    But now your kitchen is looking great, and it looks like you've got a sink again, and it sounds like you and your honey had terrific birthdays. I hope that makes up for everything last month!!

  7. OWW comeon, it's tuesday - where are the kitchen pictures

  8. Where *are* the buttons from? I saw them around while I was selling at Felt Club in L.A. last month.
