Saturday, January 14, 2006

It's NOT a Gift! KAL Update

Quick updates today - I've been away from the computer all day. Sucks.

Jess has photos of her color choices up for her Tubey. Go help her decide - I sure couldn't decide! I'd just make a bunch!

Sherrill has finished two beautiful washcloths and is almost done with some ankle socks - so cute!

Aria has lots of plans for her knitting!

Theresa has finished the back of her Winter Folly and is on sleeve island with her Rogue-ishly handsome sleeves. (Sorry Theresa, couldn't resist your joke!)

Tara has a list of things she wants to do, and has put aside her Jaywalkers for her mom's b-day socks. Awww! But we need NO GIFTS! :)

Chris still has no "no gift" knitting updates. C'mon Christ! Whaddya gonna make for YOU!

Laura is still busy on all of her projects, but needs help getting the resolve to kitchener her Jaywalkers. Go encourage her!

And finally, we have two new members! Go meet them!

Erica and E.

More updates on my non-gift knitting tomorrow!


  1. Looks like everyone is busy! Looking forward to checking out what everyone's been working on. Shucks, don't my toe-up ankle socks count as a non-gift item for me?? I swear they're only for me, me, selfish me! ;-)

  2. Well, I've got to knit my mom a b-day gift! I am, however, still working on a cardigan for myself...I promise it's all for me!
