Sunday, September 03, 2006

Just a shade under a decade


  1. Anonymous4:42 AM

    Jenn, has your Lace swap package arrived yet??
    I'm starting to get worried it's lost.

  2. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Does that mean it's finished? How exciting!

  3. Is that a 10-yo WIP?

  4. How very pretty! ...what is it, lol?

  5. Anonymous8:02 PM

    nice!! whatever it is...i like it. no matter how long it took to complete. :)


  6. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Congratulations! Finishing is finishing, however long it takes -- it's done!

    Sorry to hear about your disposal. I'm holding my breath re: leak under tub, so I can feel your pain...let us know how it goes.

    Also, are you still looking for a sportweight pattern for socks? I have something called Diagonal Fixation Socks that is used with the Cascade Sock Yarn. I *think* that is sportweight but I'm not sure. My email is adamsdebra at sbcglobal dot net if you'd like it.

    P.S. *please* send that heat here.
