Monday, August 01, 2005

I'm Knitting as Fast as I Can

Bolero back
Originally uploaded by jenn_tx.
Finally, a picture!

Here is the fiery bolero back reclining in the non-sunshine this morning. This picture does not do justice to the pinkness of the yarn. Since the photo op, I have knitted rapidly on the left front of the blob. However, I have done all of the increasing, and I'm 1/2" short of what the pattern says. I guess I'll just work in st st until it is long enough - I certainly don't want to be cutting off the blood flow to my arm. Bad bad thing.

Had a scary moment a little while ago when Cassidy (crazy Border Collie) caught her tags (on her collar) between two of the boards on the deck. How she got stuck I don't know, but I couldn't unstick the collar. I had to unclip it to free her and in the deck it remains. Perhaps DH can remove it in the daylight.

All of a sudden I feel under pressure to complete certain projects by certain deadlines - and it's not even Christmas yet! Here I was feeling all confident - making my "what to knit" list two weeks ago, starting to plan the yarn purchases for the Christmas gifts - and now I have the bolero to finish, a gift for my soon-to-be SIL, two baby gifts, oh, and that which shall not be named. Yikes.

Day off tomorrow. May venture to House of Crack for some fibery purchases. I'd really like to find a flattering skirt pattern to make my own skirts - it is a pain in the ass to find one that fits well. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:07 PM

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