Tuesday, August 30, 2005


So the summer blahs have finally gotten to me. Last night, I came home, read blogs, posted, ate dinner, and DID NOT KNIT. Is something wrong with me? Did my fingers fall off? No, I just didn't want to work on any of my current WIPs. And there are no less than 9!! on the needles right now (I know they're not all on the sidebar - I'm working on it!).

It's just too damn hot to knit with wool, which are most of the projects. (And DH has been home for two nights in a row, and I can't have TV control when he is home. Must work on knitting area for bedroom - where the other TV lives).

I did receive a package today from Overstock.com - Vogue Knitting Socks and Socks Two. I have to give props to Overstock - they are making a concerted effort to have their prices lower than Amazon's - though their $1 shipping is ending as we speak.

I think I'm off to peruse the knitting books - if you can't carry all of your knitting books to the living room in one trip, do you have too many?

Hmmmm, maybe I want to knit on the clappy.......

1 comment:

  1. You can never have too many knitting books! Who cares if they require multiple trips?

    I'm thinking you might have something there with that knitting-area-in-the-bedroom idea, though it's hard to say how that might be recieved by the other occupant of my bedroom...
